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Metabolic Disorders Specialist

Burlington Medical Center/Carolina Nuclear Medicine

Internal Medicine Specialist & Endocrinologist located in Burlington, NC

The food you eat supplies your cells with nutrients and energy. Your metabolism is the system your body uses to break down and store this energy. A metabolic disorder disrupts the normal function of your metabolism and may cause too much or too little of the nutrients your body needs to function normally. At Burlington Medical Center/Carolina Nuclear Medicine in Burlington, North Carolina, board-certified physician Sam Morayati, MD, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic disorders. To schedule a consultation, call the office or book online today.

Metabolic Disorders Q&A

What is a metabolic disorder?

A metabolic disorder is a condition that affects the normal workings of your metabolism. Your metabolism is a complex process that breaks down the food you eat into energy. 

Your food contains a mix of macronutrients called carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Enzymes in your digestive tract break up these macronutrients into small pieces that your body then absorbs and delivers to the organ systems that need them.

In addition to amino acids and various types of fat, these macronutrients are also broken down into sugar, or glucose, which serves as the primary source of energy for all the cells in your body. Your metabolism determines when to use and when to store this energy. 

An abnormality in your body’s normal metabolic process may lead to a metabolic disorder. 

What are the types of metabolic disorders?

A metabolic disorder may be inherited or develop over time. Types of metabolic disorder include:

  • Galactosemia — inability to break down the sugar galactose
  • Maple syrup urine disease — enzyme deficiency that increases amino acid levels
  • Hemochromatosis — intestines absorb too much iron
  • Phenylketonuria (PKU) — lack of enzyme that causes high levels of phenylalanine
  • Diabetes — high blood glucose levels due to malfunction in pancreas
  • Hirsutism — excessive male-pattern hair growth in women

You may also develop a metabolic disorder from a nutrient deficiency that affects the normal functioning of your metabolism. 

Obesity is a metabolic disorder characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat. Despite what many may think, obesity isn’t simply a cosmetic problem, but a complex medical condition that requires professional management.

How are metabolic disorders diagnosed?

Many metabolic disorders are inherited conditions present at birth. With advances in genetic screening, these conditions may be diagnosed at or before birth.

However, some conditions may not be present at birth or may not be detectable. Diabetes, for example, may not develop in most people until they become adults. Hemochromatosis may not be detected until excessive iron stores in the liver affect health and normal function.

Dr. Morayati is an internal medicine and endocrinology specialist and conducts comprehensive evaluations to help diagnose metabolic disorders that affect adults. 

In addition to conducting a thorough history and physical, he also runs diagnostic tests to assess metabolic health and function and pinpoint the underlying cause of your metabolic disorder. 

How are metabolic disorders treated?

Dr. Morayati develops individualized treatment plans for metabolic disorders based on the type. Your treatment plan may include:

  • Diet modification
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Disease-specific medication
  • Disease-specific therapy

Dr. Morayati specializes in the management of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, which are common metabolic disorders that increase the risk of other health complications such as heart disease. He also offers obesity management and weight loss counseling.

Metabolic disorders are complex conditions that may have prolonged effects if not properly managed. For expert care from an experienced physician, contact Burlington Medical Center/Carolina Nuclear Medicine by phone or online today.