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Signs of Hypertension and What to Do About It

Signs of Hypertension and What to Do About It

High blood pressure is a silent danger. Today, it’s estimated that more than 200 million American adults have hypertension, and despite this, only 1 in 4 have their blood pressure under control. 

At Burlington Medical Center, internal medicine specialist and endocrinologist Dr. Sam Morayati takes special care to help patients prevent and manage chronic diseases, including high blood pressure (hypertension). Because hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke, managing blood pressure and getting it under control early are essential. 

Here are three subtle signs that may point to a blood pressure problem. 

The importance of healthy blood pressure

Blood vessels transport blood from the heart to every region of the body. Each pump of the heart pushes against blood vessel walls, creating blood pressure.

Hypertension occurs when the force against the walls remains persistently high. In response, the heart must work harder to circulate blood. A heart attack, an enlarged heart, and ultimately heart failure can result from uncontrolled hypertension.

Additionally, blood can seep into the brain as a result of high blood vessel pressure. This may result in a stroke. What’s more, hypertension can cause kidney failure, blindness, blood vessel rupture, and cognitive impairment.

Signs of high blood pressure

Persistently high blood pressure affects many body organs, from the eyes to the kidneys. That’s why it’s vital to get your blood pressure under control. Most of the time, high blood pressure causes no obvious symptoms. However, over time, you may experience:

It’s vital to avoid relying on apparent symptoms to clue you in to potentially having high blood pressure. The best approach is to know your risk and know your numbers. Blood pressure is easy and simple to take at the doctor’s office and at home. 

We recommend that you first take your home blood pressure monitor with you to your office to check it against our physician’s monitor. This ensures your home blood pressure monitor is accurate.

Dr. Morayati can check your blood pressure and discuss the next steps depending on your reading. 

Preventing high blood pressure

There’s no magic to prevent high blood pressure. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of warding off chronic diseases like hypertension. When it comes to diet, sodium intake plays a role in raising blood pressure. 

It’s recommended that you limit the amount of salt you consume to no more than 1,500 mg a day if you have high blood pressure. Cutting back to no more than 1,000 mg a day can improve blood pressure further. 

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days, and maintaining a healthy weight all have a favorable impact on blood pressure.

If you have or are at risk for high blood pressure, take steps to gradually and permanently improve your lifestyle habits. 

High blood pressure isn’t a disease that can wait for symptoms. Give us a call today to schedule a visit with Dr. Morayati right away if you have any concerns about your blood pressure or heart health. Another option is to request an appointment online. Our clinic is located in Burlington, North Carolina. 

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