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Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Osteoporosis

Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Improve Your Osteoporosis

A diagnosis of osteoporosis can feel frightening and overwhelming, but you have more control over your bone health than you may think. Diet and lifestyle changes are part of managing osteoporosis. There are steps you can take right now to slow bone loss and keep your bones as strong as possible.

At Burlington Medical Center/Carolina Nuclear Medicine in Burlington, North Carolina, triple board-certified internal medicine specialist and endocrinologist Sam Morayati, MD, and our team have the expertise and experience to help you stay healthy and keep your bones strong as you age. 

It's estimated that around 200 million people are living with osteoporosis, a condition that makes your bones weak and vulnerable to fracture doing everyday things. The risk of osteoporosis increases as you age, and women are more likely to develop it than men. If you have osteoporosis, you can take some proactive steps to protect your bone health.

Boost calcium intake

Calcium is a vital mineral for bone health. It helps keep your bones strong. Most of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones where it keeps your bones dense and hard. Eating calcium-rich foods is beneficial for slowing bone loss and helping to build bone strength. 

Some examples of foods that are high in calcium include dairy, nuts, leafy greens, soy foods, and calcium fortified foods. During your consultation, we discuss whether you need to add a calcium supplement, as well.

Check vitamin D

Vitamin D is another nutrient that plays an important role in bone health. It has a synergistic relationship with calcium. You need enough vitamin D to absorb calcium in the intestines and to maintain adequate calcium levels. Dr. Morayati may measure your vitamin D levels and monitor them closely throughout your osteoporosis management plan.

If you're concerned about your vitamin D level, talk with Morayati about it. The body makes vitamin D from sun exposure, and you get a small amount of vitamin D in your diet from fatty fish, such as tuna, as well as cheese, egg yolks, and foods fortified with vitamin D.

Add weight-bearing exercise

Weight-bearing exercise is proven to protect bone density. We can give you guidance on how to add it to your lifestyle and discuss the types of exercises that are safe for you to perform. 

If you have severe osteoporosis, you need to take certain precautions when exercising. It's important that you speak with Dr. Morayati before starting any new exercises to make sure you're performing them correctly and doing them in a manner that won’t put you at risk for complications.

Improve your balance

Yoga and tai chi are not only great for relieving stress and enhancing a calm state of mind, but they’re also an excellent way to improve your balance. They also strengthen your core muscles and engage them in a way that stabilizes your body.

When you don’t have good balance, you're at a greater risk for falling and fracturing your bones. That’s why it’s beneficial to engage in exercises that improve your balance.

You have the power to protect your bone health. It’s never too late to make some changes to your lifestyle that support bone health and help you live well with osteoporosis. If you’re ready to take charge of your bone health, we can help. To get started, give our office a call to schedule a visit with Dr. Morayati, MD, or book your appointment online today. 

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