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When To Consider a Sports Physical

When To Consider a Sports Physical

Children and adults who participate in sports can benefit from sports physicals. These important exams ensure that you’re in good shape and ready to play. The ins and outs of a sports physical can lead to some confusion, and you may wonder whether you even need a physical in the first place. 

Internal medicine physician Sam Morayati, MD, and the team at Burlington Medical Center have you covered when it comes to sports physicals to ensure your health on and off the field. Here’s everything you need to know about sports physicals. 

What is a sports physical?

The goal of a sports physical is to ensure that athletes are physically able and can safely participate in their chosen sport. Whether the athlete is a child, teen, or adult, a pre-participation evaluation plays an important role in helping to maintain the health and wellness of the athlete.

There are two main components of a sports physical: a comprehensive review of medical history, and a physical exam. Here is more detail to help you know what to expect. 

Medical history

During a review of your medical history, you can expect to discuss any serious illnesses among your close family members. Your provider will ask about any illnesses, you may have had when you were younger, as well as any current conditions. 

You’ll also want to tell Dr. Morayati about any previous hospitalizations or surgeries. Past injuries such as sprains, concussions, or broken bones are of importance to discuss. Additionally, you should tell Dr. Morayati about any medications you may be taking. 

The medical history is a crucial part of the sports physical, so take your time and answer questions as best you can. 

Physical Examination

During the physical exam portion of the sports physical, your provider may check your heart and lungs, as well as your blood pressure. A vision test is often included in the physical exam as well. 

When should you consider a physical exam?

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a regular recreational participant, or an elite athlete, you should consider sports physical. Anyone who participates in sports can benefit from physical sports. 

It’s best to have a sports physical before you engage in sports each season. Stress on your body and overuse injuries can occur during or in between a sports season. Having a sports physical before the start of each new season is an opportunity to make sure you’re in tip-top shape. Your provider can detect and address issues like undiagnosed heart murmurs, and uncontrolled asthma. 

Additionally, most states require children and teens who participate in sports to complete a preparticipation sports evaluation. Keep in mind that a sports physical does not take the place of your annual primary care checkup. 

A sports physical can help reduce the risk of injuries and help you to maintain your health so that you can lead an active lifestyle, and engage in the sports that you enjoy. Before you hit the field this season, stop into Burlington Medical Center for a sports physical. To get started, give our team a call to schedule a visit with Dr. Morayati or send your booking request online

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